We are a congregation of generations serving, loving, and growing together in the Body of Christ.
Vacation Bible School
The summer months are right around the corner...time to think about Vacation Bible Scool.
Consider Wonder Junction this year at Canyons Church! More details to come...Watch for information!
Consider Wonder Junction this year at Canyons Church! More details to come...Watch for information!

Adult Ministries
Canyons offers Sunday school Bible studies for all Adults, as well as during the week days. Various studies are offered for Men and Women.
Student Ministries
Canyons has a vibrant Student Ministry grades 6 through 12, with Sunday Morning Bible study and Student Wednesday evening gatherings.
Children Ministries
Canyons Kids offers Sunday school classes, Nursery to grade 5 .
Our curriculum is taught by our knowledgable Bible teachers that have been serving for years.
Our curriculum is taught by our knowledgable Bible teachers that have been serving for years.
Ministerio Hispano
En Canyons Church, ofrecemos servicios y ministerio en español a las 11:00 en el centro de vida.
Haga clic en el icono para saber más
Haga clic en el icono para saber más
Deaf Ministry
We support our Deaf and Hard of Hearing community with our services for sign interpretation live and also on social media.